About Us
Revival Nation Television is a network that helps promote the Kingdom of God. It is not about one church or one ministry but a multitude of churches and ministries coming together on one platform to stream quality Christian content.
Our Mission
To Reach More People For Jesus
It is our mission to help churches and ministries reach more people with the gospel message! We are affordable and supported by churches, ministries, and subscribers. Best of all, 10% of all income goes to support Christian Addiction/Recovery groups.
Why Us
A Different Type Of Platform
For Viewers & Church Content Creators
For viewers, let's face the truth. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, & TikTok now only show us what they want us to see. Unless we have interacted with a page or spent a good amount of time watching a certain type of video, the only content we are getting is more and more of the same stuff. So we rarely get the opportunity to watch or learn about other ministries. Revival Nation TV strives to break down those barriers and shows you Christian Content from all over, and from all sizes of churches and ministries.
If you're creating content or posting on other platforms, those posts, videos, or streams are only reaching people who have already heard of or are interacting with your ministry. Revival Nation is your chance to reach a bigger population of people all while using the same content you are using for your other platforms.