What is 4Christ you may ask? Is it a band that travels to entertain people through music? Is it a ministry looking to become more popular and gain more followers? Is it just a singing group that has a cool name? The answer to all of those is no. 4Christ has no desire to entertain, we have no desire for fame, and we are not just a singing group with a cool name. 4Christ is exactly what our name implies.
4Christ only has one purpose, one goal, one priority; to live only for Christ. Are we singers? Yes! But the only reason we sing is to please our King, Christ Jesus. Are we musicians? Yes! But we only play because He has called us to make music for His Glory. Are we preachers? Yes! But we only preach truth, for only the truth will set the captive free. We only preach the words He has given us to say. We only sing the songs He has told us He longs to hear. Do we operate in prophecy? Yes! But we only speak what He has instructed us to speak into your life.
Are you seeing a theme yet? It’s all about Him!!! 4Christ is nothing more than lovers of Jesus Christ who are obsessed with pleasing their Lover. We are striving to hear His will for every area of life and in return lead and guide others in this path of extreme dependence on His will. Would you consider joining us on this path? Will you become completely and wholeheartedly for Christ? We hope you will.